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Via de' Macci, 84 - 50122   Firenze
4.6/10 - 5 review
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Recensioni dei viaggiatori MARTIN DAGO BED AND BREAKFAST

BuxNwZLKExAmYPjgEV dwcJjxgyIcXPX (2011-11-23 00:36:13)
Glad I've finally found somteinhg I agree with!

Lyon (France) Francois (2008-09-09 20:41:24)
I have seen several B&B in Florence..this was, with no doubt the worst... In downtown Florence there are plenty of nice B&B with great management...it's not the case of this one... The location is anyway nice, but the organization and the managers are very bad! Not recommended at all! Look for RELAIS GRAND TOUR - BARGELLO B&B - CIMATORI - A CASA DI ALINO - B&B REPUBBLICA - VILLA SESTINI these are the one that I personally know and that I personally recommend! Enjoy your stay in Florence..

England Michael Gorge (2008-06-22 01:29:57)
So boring.... personaly i didn´t like...

Spain DANRLEY MALAQUIAS (2008-01-16 00:02:11)
Personally i did'n like "too much" you know what i mean?? But is just my impression!! sorry

Sao Paolo - Brazil Lucio (2007-12-20 12:42:11)
Great Location, in Saint Ambroggio district..seriously one of the nicest corner in Italy.... Also the B&B was nice, probably our room wasnt so bright but the atmosphere was cool anyway. Ciao à tutti

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